Friday, July 30, 2010

How to Get More Energy!

Do you constantly feel tired? Try these healthy tips as well as the exercise tips to get more energy!

The first thing you want to do is eat healthier snacks if you are not at this time. Skip the fatty potato chips, candy, cake, etc., and have cut up vegetables and fruit ready when you are craving a snack.

Make sure you are getting enough calcium, vitamins and minerals each day. Start reading food labels so you know how much you are getting and if it is enough.

Follow the food pyramid! If you haven’t looked at it lately, it has changed. It could help you to print a food pyramid you find online and hang it up by your refrigerator.

Get moving around! Park further from the grocery store so you have to walk further as well as your employment parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator and other minor things to get more daily physical movement.

Dance, fast-pace walk each day, mix it up with a bicycle ride, any exercise equipment you may have, yoga, kickboxing, etc.! Got a dog? Take your dog for a walk or jog--he/she will love you for it and you will be doing good by your beloved best friend as well. Make your exercise routine fun by changing it around.

When working out listen to music. Most people work out harder if they are listening to music that they love.

Join causes that are important to you. You can join a walk for breast cancer, run for arthritis, etc. Raise money while exercising and doing good for others!

You can join a weight loss contest like The Biggest Loser. Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest has been taking try outs for people who want to get into shape. Every Saturday you can try out for this amazing contest. Real people just like you that need to lose 80 lbs or more.

With the above tips---your energy will soar!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lose Weight: Weight Loss Contest

Wider chairs are being seen at businesses to accomodate obese folks.
*Photo copyright:

Have you tried unsuccessfully to lose weight? Many people have. Maybe you tried the dreaded cabbage diet. If you were a victim of this diet, you know that is no way to live. Cabbage soup all day long is only asking for trouble for you, your digestive system and bowel movements.

Maybe you tried losing weight with the Atkin’s diet. This is a very unhealthy diet feeding your body fatty bacon, steaks, eggs upon eggs, cheese, etc. Your heart will not appreciate this diet at all. You are also missing important vitamins in your diet when you follow the Atkin’s diet. Plus, once you quit eating the Atkin’s diet food menu, you will gain all of the weight you lost---back.

Then there is the grapefruit diet. Surely this did a number on your mouth with canker sores and your stomach with aches and pains. Grapefruit in your diet is healthy--just not as many grapefruits as you are required to eat with this diet. Plus, if you are on certain types of medications they will not work when you eat and drink grapefruit. If you are doing this diet or any other diet, make sure you consult with your physician.

Now you can try a weight loss contest that will work. So many people claim theirs will work so you may be leery. This weight loss contest really works as you will have the support you need when trying to lose 80 lbs. or more. You do not have to pay to join this contest. You will try out to be in this contest. You will find five or more sponsors to help you. Your sponsors can be family members, friends, co-workers, local businesses, etc. The goal here is that you and all of your sponsors want you to lose weight!

Not only will you lose weight, but it will happen in four week’s time! You will be doing a lot of hard work just as those in the TV show “The Biggest Loser.” Get Downsized is somewhat like The Biggest Loser.

You will learn to eat healthy and satisfying meals.

Prizes for the biggest loser!

Plan to try out this Saturday. If you are unable to make it, each Saturday you are welcome to try out for the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest.

Start living the life you are dreaming about: Skinny jeans. Healthy body. Tucking in your shirts. Looking great and feeling great.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Many Benefits of Yoga

*Picture credit:

Not only is yoga good for your body but it is also very good for your mind. If you are tired of forgetting where you place items such as your keys, yoga can help you remember. Things you need to remember will come much more easily to you. It is worth doing yoga just for this aspect!

Yoga will help to increase your awareness. Is someone giving you directions at work? You will be able to pay attention much better as well as remember them. This is very beneficial to your job duties.

Your coordination is improved with yoga. This will give you more confidence as you walk down the hallway at work, in the grocery store, inside the gas station, having to stand up in a wedding, etc.

Everyone could use a little stress relief. One of the many benefits of yoga is that it will help to relieve all of your stress. The stress hormone cannot win when you perform yoga.

Do you have high blood pressure? If so, yoga can help lower your blood pressure. You will keep your heart healthier by doing yoga.

Another one of the benefits of yoga is that it will improve your immune system. If you are tired of getting sick with colds and flus than you need to start practicing yoga to fight off all of these germs trying to infect you.

Your digestive system will thank you for performing yoga as it will help to improve it. If you have problems with anxiety, yoga is the answer. Yoga helps you if you are suffering from depression to help eliminate it or at least relieve you from it.

You can improve your lung function and in turn improve your breathing.

Want to feel better? You got it. Yoga is the answer. If you suffer from joint pain or other types of pain, yoga will make your pain lessen. Even if you are diagnosed with cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc., yoga can benefit you.

Enjoy being more flexible and great posture. With great posture you will find that your back and neck hurt less often.

Help to control your weight with yoga. Strengthen your muscles with yoga. Have a feeling of well-being with yoga.

For more information on the benefits of yoga, exercise, nutrition and how you can join the weight loss contest, please visit

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kick Your Way Into Shape with Kickboxing!

One fun way to get into shape is with kickboxing. Get your aggression and stress out of your mind and body that have accumulated throughout the day. You will feel rejuvenated and proud that you worked out. You can enjoy a healthy meal and then it will be time to relax for the evening.

When you kickbox you are making your muscles stronger and more flexible by kicking, jumping and punching. Since you are constantly moving and getting a fantastic cardio workout, your heart will thank you as well as your lungs.

Kickboxing will also give you better physical strength. This is wonderful as you will also get the benefit of better balance. As we age we need to have good balance so we do not fall and break our hip. Unfortunately, once an elderly person breaks his or her hip, that is pretty much the end in most cases.

You will enjoy being more alert when you take on the exercise sport of kickboxing. This can help you with your day to day life.

When getting started with kickboxing, make sure that you do warm up stretches. Drink plenty of water so you stay hydrated. When you start with your kicks, only kick as high as you comfortably can. Do not try to kick really high or you will be sorry tomorrow as you will be extremely sore. Not to mention, you may hurt yourself. Take breaks as you are just starting out and you are not expected to make it through a full kickboxing session without resting in between.

Do not wear ankle or wrist weights as this is not necessary nor is it safe for you.

Once your 60 to 90 minute kickboxing work out is over, you will cool down for about 10 minutes with your instructor or video.

Kickboxing is something you can do every day or alternate it with your other exercises. You will keep your routine fresh! For more information on kickboxing and losing weight with Get Downsized, please visit

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tomatoes the Super Food!

If you like tomatoes, you are going to love them after you read this. Only 10 tablespoons of tomatoes a week will help protect you from specific types of cancer. The main type of cancer that tomatoes fight off is breast cancer. Up to 50% tomatoes will fight off breast cancer. With how prevalent breast cancer is these days, this is a huge tidbit.

Remember breast cancer does happen in men as well. More women get breast cancer than men, but it is still a risk.

Tomatoes are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants!

You can eat fresh tomatoes or tomato paste. You will find the super food tomatoes in spaghetti, lasagna, bruschetta and many Italian dishes. Tomato dishes do not stop there. You may eat a BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato), tomatoes in your salad, a slice of tomato on your tuna sandwich or any type of sandwich such as chicken, veggie sandwich with cucumbers on and a little mayonnaise, etc. Use your imagination! Remember to eat wheat or dark breads. Add a little different zip and eat your sandwich on pita bread.

Throw some fresh tomato on your pizza. The taste will liven up your pizza.

Treat yourself and your family to some fresh salsa. The salsa is very good for you, just go easy on the tortilla chips. You can also eat your salsa on a burger, add it to a tuna sandwich, use salsa instead of salad dressing, etc.

Easy Tomato Snack or Side with a Meal
Cut up tomatoes into bite size pieces. Brush a little extra virgin olive oil on them to help your heart and enjoy! You can use a low-fat, low calorie Italian Dressing instead of the EVOO on your tomatoes. The results are juicy and healthy tomatoes that your body will thank you for. You will not feel one bit guilty or overfull after eating them.

Eat up tomatoes and continue to serve them to your family for maximum health benefits! For more healthy information, please visit
*Photo by Wiki:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Exercise Tips!

Here are exercise tips to get you moving and keep you moving!

The first thing you want to do is set small goals. Do not overload yourself with high goals that will only end up making you extremely sore and tired. When you do this you only set yourself up for failure. By setting small goals such as working out three times per week to start out with, you can only win as there is a better chance you will stick with your goals.

Ask your neighbors, family and/or friends who live near you if they are interested in starting a group. You can all get together to ride bikes, run or walk. By having a group support system when one of you does not feel like working out the others will help to get you started. Most times once people get moving they are happy they did and feel great after the work out!

Whenever possible listen to music while you work out. It will help you move quicker and work out harder. It will get your mind on the music and song and before you know it your work out will be over! You can upload your favorite music to your iPod or mp3 player.

If you are able to afford it get a personal trainer. The personal trainer will only motivate you, work you hard and create personal workouts just for you. Your fitness trainer knows so much about exercise and getting your body into shape, he/she will help you immensely.

Keep a journal on what you eat daily. You may not think that you eat very much and cannot understand why you are not losing weight even if you are exercising. You may find that you grab a bit of food while cooking, walking past the candy jar in the kitchen, the little bit of food left over on your child’s plate, etc. All of these “little” bits add up to a whole lot of calories!

You can also join a weight loss program called Get Downsized. Simply find five sponsors to help you out. You can try out for the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest every Saturday! For more information on how to join the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest, please visit

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Healthy Foods for You and Your Family

You want to get into shape inside and outside. You can with healthy foods and exercise. Here are some foods you must get into your diet today!

Spinach: Spinach is a fantastic source of iron. Spinach also has vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium and beta-carotene.

Spinach will help to keep you regular with all of the fiber it is loaded with.

Spinach also has antioxidants which we all look for when trying to stay as healthy as possible. There are more than thirteen different types of antioxidants in spinach!

Many physicians believe that spinach will help fight off specific types of cancer. Doctors believe spinach helps ward off lung cancer and breast cancer. With all of the loaded antioxidants it is also believed to fight off skin cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.

Eat your spinach! Eat it fresh as a salad or mixed with other salad greens, cooked, inside lasagna, casseroles and wherever you can!

Fish: Fresh fish are very good for you. Fresh fish such as salmon, swordfish, blue gills, walleye, perch, trout, etc. are fish you want to eat at least 2 to 3 times per week.

Salmon has Omega-3 fats which are very healthy. Your body and even your brain needs Omega-3 fats which are the good fats that help to lower bad cholesterol.

Fresh fish has many nutrients and protein. You will love that fish has very little calories or fat. Fish is good for your heart. Some doctors believe that fish oil can help reduce wrinkles, help with postpartum depression and improve your eyesight.

You can bake fresh fish with lemon and a tad of butter or spray butter that has zero calories and fat. Fresh fish on the grill is divine. Do not fry your fish, it is better to sauté your fish with extra virgin olive oil. This process takes longer than using a deep fryer but it tastes just as good and your heart will thank you. Keep your fish good for you by cooking it healthy.

Keep eating healthy foods for you and your family. Join the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest to begin the new you! For more information on the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest, please visit

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Get Motivated with Exercise!

For most of us getting motivated to exercise is difficult. We work all day and/or work and take care of our children. The thought of exercising when we are so tired gives us the excuse to say, “I will exercise tomorrow.”

Well, now you can get motivated and get moving! Tips to get you started and continuing with your exercise program:

The first thing you want to do is act like you are a fitness fanatic. It does not matter how much you weigh or how out of shape you may be, if you think like a fitness fanatic you are on your way. This will help you eat better and exercise.

Subscribe to fitness magazines online or through the mail. Read about exercise as much as you possibly can. You will get motivated to try new exercises. You can exercise for 10 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. You do not have to exercise for 40+ minutes all at once to reap the benefits.

Join a walk or run that will benefit cancer, diabetes, animals or anything that is important to you. You will reap the rewards of helping an important cause as well as get in shape! You will want to walk and exercise before the big event that you will be participating in.

You can also join a fitness community or two online. Learn about bodybuilding, connect with other runners, etc. Whatever you are interested in is the online community to join.

Buy work out clothes! When you change into your work out clothes you will get into the zone of working out. It will become a habit to easily change into your work out clothes and get moving!

All of the above tips can help you get motivated to exercise. You can also join a contest called Get Downsized. We are holding contests every Saturday. You must need to lose at least 80 lbs. to try out. Within four weeks you will lose a massive amount of weight and gain more confidence! For more information on the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest, please visit:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Benefits of Oregano

Do you know how good oregano is for you? Oregano is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Not only is oregano loaded with things that are really good for you but it also has antibacterial properties that help to keep you and your body healthy.

Oregano also helps to fight off infections such as MRSA. Infections that antibiotics will not even fight off! The oil in the oregano is what kills harmful bacteria.

Oregano is highly used in many ethnic foods such as Turkish, Greek, Spanish, Latin American, Italian, Syrian, Portuguese and Palestinian foods.

You will find that the dried oregano is more flavorful than the fresh oregano.

You can grow your own oregano in a pot. You will find that oregano has an aromatic, gentle warm and somewhat of a bitter taste.

Now that you know that oregano is so healthy and beneficial put oregano in your spaghetti, fried vegetables, Greek salads, grilled meat, on your pasta, in your lasagna, etc.! You will have peace of mind knowing that your family is protected by the food you lovingly make for them.

Add oregano to many of your dishes and with the Get Downsized Contest and exercise program you will be on your way to a toned up and healthy figure! For more information on how to lose weight, please visit:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Exercise! Exercise for Your Abs

Good old fashioned exercise is how you lose weight and tone up along with nutritional food in your diet.

When you exercise your abs you are strengthening the core area of your body which is very important. If you are looking to tone up in your abdominal region here are a few exercises to get you started!

The Bicycle

You can easily do this exercise right on the comfort of your own carpeted floor. Simply lie on your back, put both of your legs up into the air, hands behind your head and pretend you are riding a bicycle. This is a great exercise for your abs and you do not need to invest in any expensive exercise equipment.

Toughen up your bicycle exercise with touching your right elbow to your left knee. Alternate with touching your left elbow to your right knee.

Helps: This exercise targets the lower abs as well as your waist.

Exercise Ball
If you own an exercise ball you can do the ball crunch to help strengthen your abs. If you do not have an exercise ball and you are thinking of purchasing one, make sure you get the correct ball for your height.

To do the exercise ball crunch you will need to lie on the exercise ball. Make sure the exercise ball is under your lower back. Now cross your arms and put them behind your head. Lift your torso off of the ball by contracting your abs. When curling up make sure you keep the ball in one spot. Next slowly lower back down and feel the stretch in your abs. You should repeat this 12 to 16 times in sets of 1 to 3 depending on how long you have been doing them.

Helps: This exercise strengthens the abs and rectus abdominis.

Vertical Leg Crunch
The third ab exercise for you to work out with is the vertical leg crunch. To do this exercise you must lie down on the floor. Extend your legs straight up into the air and cross your knees. Keep legs straight! You can either place your hands on the floor or folded behind your head. Lift your shoulders off of the floor. Lower your shoulders and repeat the repetition 12 - 16 times for 1 to 3 sets.

Helps: The vertical leg crunch is targeted towards your rectus abdominis and your obliques.

Keep exercising your abs to tone up, feel great and look great! For more information, please visit

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Truth About Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is so good for you! After reading this you will want to change all of your cooking habits by only using extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil will help your heart, control your blood sugar, fight cancer, lower your blood pressure, prevent bone loss and even helps prevent developing a little belly. All of this, how can you not use it?

Some folks buy vegetable oil, canola oil, etc., due to the cheaper cost. It is not worth it!

Extra virgin olive oil should be made of delicious olives. In other oils you will find chemicals that are not good for you and your body.

When you are cooking out on the grill simply brush a little olive oil onto your foods right before you eat it to reap all of the delicious and healthy benefits.

When you are sautéing foods use extra virgin olive oil instead of other types of oils, a cooking spray, margarine or butter. You want to get extra virgin olive oil in your diet every day!

The key here is to buy extra virgin olive oil. You want your oil to be nothing but olives. If you buy plain olive oil you are not getting all of the benefits and if you are going to buy plain olive oil, you may as well get any other type of oil.

You can eat extra virgin olive oil in stews, soups, salads, dipping, on meats and anywhere sautéing is involved.

Extra virgin olive oil is great for your skin as well. You will be feeding your insides healthy and bringing it to your outside. You may even use olive oil on your hair and hands as some women do in the world.

Olive oil is great for shaving and will give you superb results. Save your money from expensive shaving products and use olive oil any chance you get on your skin.

Start using extra virgin olive oil as soon as possible! For more healthy information and to lose weight, please visit

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Will You Be the Next Biggest Loser?

You can become the biggest loser when you turn your life around! Have you watched The Biggest Loser? Do you dream of being on the TV show The Biggest Loser? You can join a weight loss program that works somewhat like the TV show.

To join, all you have to do is get five or more sponsors. You will not have to pay any money as your sponsors do this for you.

Imagine a support team that will help you lose an amazing amount of weight in four weeks. You will look and feel like a brand new person! Isn’t this what you always dreamed of?

The support team will help you with nutrition and diet as well as a fitness routine. You will have a personal trainer that will set up a fitness routine specifically for you. If and when you get tired of the fitness routine, your fitness trainer can give you a fresh and new exercise routine.

You will even have medical personal giving you check-ups and following up with you to ensure your health. As you start to eat healthier and work-out you will decrease your odds of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other threatening diseases. What are you waiting for? You want to live to see your children grow up as well as your grandchildren. Your family needs you.

You will set a goal and you will work hard to achieve it. The benefit of this weight loss Get Downsized Program is that you will not do it alone! You will have encouragement and people helping you along each step of the way.

Every Saturday you can try out to become a contestant with us. You must need to lose 80 lbs or more to be eligible to become a contestant.

You can be on your own “show” just like The Biggest Loser when you join the Get Downsized Contest. Start losing weight and feeling great today!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Facts on Cholesterol

There are multiple reasons you may have high cholesterol. You may have inherited it, your diet plays a part and your lifestyle will determine how much cholesterol you have.

To find out if you have too much cholesterol you need to go to your doctor after fasting for twelve hours. Your doctor will draw blood, send it to the lab and call or mail you your results.

If you have high cholesterol your doctor will almost always give you information on which healthier foods you should eat, foods to avoid, if you are overweight he/she will tell you-you must lose weight and you will be given exercise recommendations.

Foods to eat are fruits, vegetables, cereal, rice and pasta. When eating these items do not load them up with fat. For instance, if you are going to eat pasta, do not add a lot of meatballs as red meats are high in cholesterol. Also, do not load up your pasta with Alfredo Sauce which is high in fat.

Foods you should avoid are those that contain saturated fats. These are your typical snacks such as potato chips, Doritos, Cheetos, etc., dairy products such as ice cream, custard, butter and other high fat dairy foods and deep fried foods. You should get some fat in your diet from nuts, Omega-3 fat found in salmon, tuna and other types of fish.

You can help lower your cholesterol by eating oatmeal, apples, pears, nuts as mentioned above and olive oil.

Lose weight by eating a healthier diet that is more centered around complex carbohydrates and not saturated fat. Lose weight by exercising. Brisk walking will help to lower your cholesterol. If you are morbidly obese you can start your exercise off by joining a swimming class or swimming on your own. Swimming will be gentle on your joints and make it easier to move your weight around in the water versus jumping on exercise machinery.

After trying all of the above measures your doctor may give your cholesterol lowering medication.

You can help lower your cholesterol by trying out for our Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest every Saturday! Get healthy today!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Garlic History and Benefits to Keep You Healthy

Believe it or not there are spices that you use on your food daily that are helping you. Garlic is one of the them.

Garlic has been around for over 5000 years. A source of strength is what the ancient Egyptians as well as the Greeks and Romans thought about garlic. Traders and explorers brought garlic to Europe and the New World.

Garlic is known as the “stinking rose.” When one first opens a garlic clove it gives off an intense strong smell. The longer garlic is cooked the less intense the smell and flavor.

Garlic is given top billing as a natural medicine. Garlic has been used to treat high cholesterol, lower one’s blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer. Garlic may protect the lining of your stomach, just be careful not to eat too much raw garlic as this can burn your mouth and even your intestines. Garlic has been used in the past as protection against the plague.

Garlic has strong anti-bacterial properties and due to this it was used in war to treat wounds as well as detoxify one’s body.

You may know that garlic is best known for its immune-boosting qualities. It is also prescribed as a preventative aid or cure to fight afflictions of all kinds.

Happily garlic is loaded with nutrients and minerals. There are over twenty different types! With all of this great news about garlic eat it on pizza, in spaghetti, on toast and anywhere else that is possible. If you like garlic but hate bad breath than eat some parsley with your meal to help cut down on the garlic smell.

If you want to get healthier and add more garlic into your diet, it is best to eat it raw after it has been crushed. Make sure the garlic sits for a few minutes. If this does not sound good to you, you can take deodorized garlic tablets instead.

Add garlic to your Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest Program and you are ready to start a healthier new life!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Get Inspired to Get Motivated!

A big reason many people fail in losing weight is because they are not inspired to do so. Plus, staying inspired to lose weight is another big reason people fail.

Get Downsized can help you. You will find five or more sponsors that will help you get inspired and motivated. These people are your sponsors and want you to succeed in your weight loss. Knowing that these people are behind you, you do not want to let them down. More importantly, you want to lose weight for yourself.

Once you are inspired and motivated you need to keep up the positive thoughts. As you start to lose weight and inches you will feel fantastic! You will slowly see your clothes start to get loose and soon they will not fit you at all. The positive thoughts will keep your energy and will to lose weight flowing smoothly.

You will have a great feeling of empowerment that you can do anything when the pounds melt off. You will start to reward yourself with even more positive thoughts. People will start to notice and compliment how great you look. This feeling is better than any bite of food.

Soon you will be buying yourself an entire new wardrobe. Your attitude will start to change. You will become a happier person. When you feel healthy and look good and healthy you will become happier. You will be friendlier and people will notice.

You will enjoy going out more. You will not worry when you run into someone you have not seen for years. You can change your life by getting the motivation and inspiration to lose weight.

Get inspired. Get motivated. Start losing weight today! Get Downsized now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

You Look Amazing!

When you walk into a room people notice you. You may be walking into a party and you have on clothes that show off your best assets whether you are male or female.

The opposite sex cannot help but pay more attention to you than many other people in the room. You look great, you feel even better! When you know you look as good as you can you have a much more outgoing and happy personality. This draws people to you. People want to be around others that make them feel happy.

You love it that when you need to choose something to wear from your closet you have many options. You do not have to hide your belly with certain shirts. You do not have to hide your bottom with long shirts to feel more secure with yourself. You may live in a hot climate and you can wear any shirt you want. You do not have to worry about showing your upper arms.

Do you want to be this person? You can! Stop the self conscious feeling of what your body looks like and what you think others may think of you. You can join a weight loss contest and in four months you will look fantastic! You will feel phenomenal! You will Get Downsized!

Not only will you begin a new chapter in your life that you have always wanted to live but you may even win prizes for your success!

You can join this great weight loss program by auditioning on Saturday. Auditions are being held every Saturday. Every Saturday 10 people will be chosen. The ten people must need to lose 80 lbs or more to qualify. You will lose your weight in four months.

We will see you at the West Bloomfield Power House Gym this Saturday to start that new chapter in your life!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stop Riding the Rollercoaster Diet

Are you sick of losing weight, gaining weight, losing weight, over and over again? If so, this is what is known as a rollercoaster diet. Rollercoaster diets can be extremely frustrating.

You feel great when you start to lose weight. Then you may think that you lost some weight so you start to eat more and sometimes a little unhealthy. Or maybe you are starving your body and this is actually slowing down your metabolism.

You get frustrated and see you are not losing weight or even gaining weight with the little bit of food you are allowing yourself to eat. You figure you may as go back to eating the way you were. Before you know it, the weight creeps back up on you and you have gained your weight back. Many times people gain more weight than when they started.

Now you can end the rollercoaster dieting. Join a weight loss contest put on by Get Downsized. Permanently lose your weight. You must be 80 lbs or more to join this contest. Give four months to Get Downsized. All you need to do is find five to ten sponsors. Your family and friends will gladly sponsor you. You may even inspire them to lose weight! You can also ask co-workers, employers or businesses in your area to sponsor you. Your sponsors will support you as well.

Not only will you lose weight and start living a better life, but if you lose the most weight you will win prizes! Extraordinary prizes such as personal training, new clothes, a gym membership, etc.

No one wants to continue on the rollercoaster diet ride. Lose weight the correct way and more importantly keep it off!

You can do it! You only need to take the first step in joining the weight loss contest. You will be happy you did--you will feel better. You will be healthier. You will look better. You will love having more energy. People will wonder how you did it!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Focusing on Fitness – How to Change Your Life 

If you really want to make yourself have a healthy lifestyle, you will need to focus your life on fitness. This is an easy thing to do, and after you do, you will wonder how you ever lived another way. Focusing on fitness is as easy as fueling your machine, going the extra mile, expecting exercise, and appreciating yourself. Following these rules will improve your life and motivate people around you to take notice and make positive changes in their lives as well.

Fueling Your Machine

Fueling your machine is a simple way of saying that you should eat right. Most people have a hard time getting away from eating for taste. If you have a hard time getting away from eating for taste or texture (i.e. eating for your mouth), then think about it this way: what if someone offered you a shiny special fuel for your car that looked beautiful, but it would ruin your car years earlier than regular fuel? Would you use that fuel just because of the way it looked? Or smelled even? No, so why are you doing the same or worse for your body? Put healthy food in your body to fuel it the best way you know possible and can afford.

Going the Extra Mile

On days when you don't feel like exercising, those are the days that you need to go an extra mile. Have you ever woken up early and gone for a run and been surprised by how good you felt once you actually got going? Take that to the next level by going an extra mile – putting extra weight on the stack or increasing resistance/incline/distance. Going an extra mile will impress how flexible your body actually is. You can actually go farther than your sluggish brain might tell you. After you've broken through the initial barrier, you will learn just how strong you are to push past barriers that you are only imposing on yourself.

Expecting Exercise

This is a simple practice. Expect yourself to exercise. In everything you do. Oh, you need to go to work? How about you walk part of the way there? Oh, you need to go upstairs? Can you guess what I'm going to tell you? Yes, walk those stairs. Even walking one flight of stairs helps you to exercise without even thinking. You need to go someplace within a mile from your work? Is anything stopping you from walking? What about bicycling to work? How far do you live from the closest grocery store? All the walking you can do will help you, in little ways that you never imagined.

Appreciating Yourself

This is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Take time out for yourself to exercise and to meditate. Celebrate your achievements in healthy ways. Give yourself time for more.

All these steps of fueling your machine, going the extra mile, expecting exercise, and appreciating yourself will reinforce your healthy lifestyle and make you even healthier. Follow this cycle and you will be healthier and happier. You will not believe the change.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Water – One of the Hidden Secrets of Nutrition 

Water is a simple substance that everyone has access to, yet not many people realize the importance of. Living in the U.S., we don't always think of water shortages or dehydration that poor countries may have at the forefront of policies and issues. Athletes need water to function and water is tied to headaches, diminished performance, liver function, and appetite suppression. All of these topics are important when you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle and better life.

Athletes and Water

As you become more athletic, you need more water. Sweating rids the body of toxins through water output, but it also gets rid of vital water supply. Make sure you are always drinking plenty of water before, during and after your workouts. If you don't drink enough water, you have improved chances of early tiredness and cramped muscles. Drink your water and become a more effective athlete.


Have you ever had a terrible hangover? Well, that's not healthy either, but it's a memorable example of a dehydration headache. Extreme headaches can come from dehydration. If you have even a minor headache, everything is impacted. Drink water, avoid headaches. Try it next time you have a headache: drink a couple of glasses of water and see if your condition improves.

Diminished Performance

As with athletes, even a non-athlete can have diminished performance with dehydration or little water. Every function in the body depends on water to happen. Brain function cannot be effective without water. Imagine your body with less water, pulling some water from your blood and closing capillaries. Then, imagine you have a dehydration headache. How can you do anything in this condition? Your performance will be severely limited, even if you're sitting at a desk during the day. Your brain won't function on the level you need it to.

Liver Function

Your liver is a powerhouse in your body that takes care of you and filters all the garbage toxins that come into your body. Take care of the filter by giving it plenty of water to wash all those toxins out. Water will improve liver function along with all the other functions that we've talked about. Liver function will also be slowed from less water. Liver function will bring you a long way in feeling better and making your body function better.

Appetite Suppression

Water is the ultimate appetite suppressor. It will make you less hungry. Many people know that if you have a craving, you can often get rid of the craving by just drinking a glass of water. Sometimes, “hunger pangs” are really just thirst. You should always ensure you are well-hydrated so that you don't eat unnecessarily.

All of the above effects are good things that can happen to you if you continue to stay hydrated. This will help you to stay with your healthy lifestyle change and can facilitate a faster change to a healthy lifestyle in the first place. Get your water pitcher and take this easy step to a healthy life for you today!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Get Downsized - A New Downsized Lifestyle Just for You!

Get Downsized is a website that can give you the tools that you need to lose the weight and live the healthier life that you've been looking for. The website is chock full of tips and support for people that want to live healthy lives and have long lives to spend with their friends and families. It is the starting point of your tomorrow!

The website was developed by people that are going to help you lose weight. The program started off with people that were trying to lose weight. The only problem was the dropout rate. Since the dropout rate was high, the developers thought of a fix – to have participants get a corporate “buy-in” or to have a sponsor for participants. Since the people weren't paying their own way, they felt that they owed it to the people that had sponsored them. This was especially helpful to keep people in the program and engaged to get to the goal.

This program is similar to certain television shows, but it's for real people like you and I. You can really do this. If you lose the weight, you will have a bigger life, and a longer life. And anyone of us can do it, we just have to commit. With this program, there is no choice but to commit and succeed.

The psychology behind using a sponsor to push the participants is pretty interesting. It increased the amount of support each participant had; each participant had an entire company behind him or her, gunning for the person to succeed. Sponsorship also increased participants' self esteem, giving them the go ahead, knowing that others believed in them.

This program completely changes your lifestyle. It will help users lose up to 80 pounds in four months, and this only costs a total of $5000. On top of that, it is sponsored, so the user will not feel that pain. What they will feel is complete and total health. They must get either 5 sponsors for $1000 or 10 sponsors for $500. This cost, although it might seem like a lot to you or I, is actually very low. How much would you pay to put years back on your life? That's priceless.

The user also has to have a doctor's approval to start the program. This is essential, since the website is teaching you to be healthy. If you aren't willing to at least get a doctor's approval, then you cannot participate in the program. You also have to ensure that you have healthcare, so that the program is not liable for anything that could happen to you.

The bottom line is that the “Get Downsized” program is going to change your life and replace it with a healthy life. You will not be disappointed with your new lifestyle full of energy and vigor. You will feel better all around: better memory, brain function, less illness, better mobility and flexibility and less weight! You're going to look great and feel great! You should get on the phone now to start finding your sponsors!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle Starts With Healthy Changes

The title of this blog is so true. If you are looking to change your lifestyle, especially your weight, then you must take action today. Taking action means you are dedicated to what you want to do. A healthy lifestyle means changing many parts of your life, and foods and exercise are two of the main changes you should start with. This also means finding a support team who will stay by your side every step of the way. The team at Get Downsized would like to offer their help, but you must take action and contact them first.

Foods You Must Change

America has become dependent on fast food restaurants because they can have food ready faster than anyone can cook a home meal. Plus, Americans have a busy lifestyle that keeps them away from the dinner table. Families have become broken, or perhaps, never started, and it is all because of our drive to get and eat fast food. Fast food has to be taken out of your diet completely.

If you are eating meals at home, it might be time for a cabinet check. Make a point to go in your refrigerator and cabinets with a list in hand. Write down all your foods, then write down the food categories they all fall under. This should give you some insight to what you are eating. Write down the amount of each food category you are eating daily and use this information to establish new weight loss goals. If you need help, you can check out this site: They have an awesome fitness team who will go over your nutrition and teach you to set successful goals and help you to keep them.

Change Your Exercise Routine

When was the last time you worked out? If you cannot remember the last time, it has been too long. Exercise is where many people trap their selves, or lack thereof. Our bodies were made to burn energy or fat. Exercising gives us more energy long term, so the less exercise you do the less energy you will have.

It is important to know your body before beginning a workout regimen. Going to a doctor for a checkup is best to make sure you do not have any underlying conditions that could worsen with exercise. Pushing your body during exercise is good, but should never be over pushed. This can create more problems with your body than you started with.

Reading this blog should have given you some pointers if you need to make a healthy lifestyle change. It all starts with healthy changes from your diet, exercise routine, and even a mental change is necessary. Stay motivated, but if that is a problem for you, then reach out to those that want to help. The fitness team at would love to be a part of your healthy lifestyle change.

Growing with Get Downsized

Ever since the first season of the reality weight loss television show “The Biggest Loser,” more people who are struggling with weight problems are looking for motivation to become fit. Many of those people are looking to lose an extreme amount of weight like the contestants on the show. However, there is one reality about the show that is not a reality in life: There is no seclusion from the outside world and unhealthy foods. Watching many of the contestants on the show lose ten pounds or more every weekly weigh-in is inspiring for many, but it is much easier to do when there are no outside distractions and temptations. Though it has not expanded yet, individuals in the Metro Detroit area who want to make a radical lifestyle change similar to the participants’ of “The Biggest Loser” now have an opportunity to do so.

What Makes Get Downsized More than a Fad?

When starting a diet or exercise program to lose weight, many people focus on what they want to look like. Aesthetics are not what should be the main focus. Consider it a bonus that comes with improving overall health, which is what Get Downsized strives to do. When people feel better on the inside, they tend to look better on the outside. The goal of Get Downsized is to make changes from the inside to the outside by educating individuals on good nutrition and helping them incorporate a combination of techniques in their daily lives that is best suited for their lifestyle. Everyone who participates gets a program that is tailor-made for them.

What Does the Program Consist Of?

The Get Downsized program is a sixteen week challenge that consists of intense weight training, cardio, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing and boxing with one day of rest every week. Participants will receive a meal plan comprised of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and quality carbohydrates. Participants will be in groups of ten and will have two ninety-minute training sessions a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, with a group of trainers. Though the eating and the exercise plan is challenging, the variety of activities and the quick progress will make the experience fun and rewarding.

Anyone in the Detroit area who needs to lose eighty pounds or more and has received approval from a doctor is able to audition for this program. Total commitment is required because the goal is to lose that eighty pounds and some. That means no cheating on the diet or missing exercise sessions. Auditions are held at the Power House Gym every Saturday afternoon. More information about the challenge can be found at the official Get Downsized website.