Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lose Weight: Weight Loss Contest

Wider chairs are being seen at businesses to accomodate obese folks.
*Photo copyright:

Have you tried unsuccessfully to lose weight? Many people have. Maybe you tried the dreaded cabbage diet. If you were a victim of this diet, you know that is no way to live. Cabbage soup all day long is only asking for trouble for you, your digestive system and bowel movements.

Maybe you tried losing weight with the Atkin’s diet. This is a very unhealthy diet feeding your body fatty bacon, steaks, eggs upon eggs, cheese, etc. Your heart will not appreciate this diet at all. You are also missing important vitamins in your diet when you follow the Atkin’s diet. Plus, once you quit eating the Atkin’s diet food menu, you will gain all of the weight you lost---back.

Then there is the grapefruit diet. Surely this did a number on your mouth with canker sores and your stomach with aches and pains. Grapefruit in your diet is healthy--just not as many grapefruits as you are required to eat with this diet. Plus, if you are on certain types of medications they will not work when you eat and drink grapefruit. If you are doing this diet or any other diet, make sure you consult with your physician.

Now you can try a weight loss contest that will work. So many people claim theirs will work so you may be leery. This weight loss contest really works as you will have the support you need when trying to lose 80 lbs. or more. You do not have to pay to join this contest. You will try out to be in this contest. You will find five or more sponsors to help you. Your sponsors can be family members, friends, co-workers, local businesses, etc. The goal here is that you and all of your sponsors want you to lose weight!

Not only will you lose weight, but it will happen in four week’s time! You will be doing a lot of hard work just as those in the TV show “The Biggest Loser.” Get Downsized is somewhat like The Biggest Loser.

You will learn to eat healthy and satisfying meals.

Prizes for the biggest loser!

Plan to try out this Saturday. If you are unable to make it, each Saturday you are welcome to try out for the Get Downsized Weight Loss Contest.

Start living the life you are dreaming about: Skinny jeans. Healthy body. Tucking in your shirts. Looking great and feeling great.

1 comment:

  1. Now that you mention it, I was at a doctor's office Friday and they had multiple larger chairs! I never noticed this before.

    You are helping to make me motivated and I am learning A LOT from your blog. I appreciate it. Thank you for helping me make the switch to a healthier lifestyle.
